employer ghosting

Employer Ghosting: What to do when you don’t hear back

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The job search process can be daunting, and for many British job seekers, the most frustrating aspect is the silence that often follows submitting an application, or in some cases,  attending an interview.

According to recent research by Indeed, 55% of British job seekers don’t hear back from employers after applying. This lack of response can be disheartening, but understanding the reasons behind it and knowing how to follow up can make a significant difference.

As a team of recruitment specialists, Recruitment Robin is here to offer our candidates some insight into some of the potential reasons why jobseekers often don’t hear back along with some actionable tips for effectively following up on job applications so you don’t get left in the dark.



Reasons Why Candidates Never Hear Back from Employers

Volume of Applications

One of the primary reasons candidates don’t hear back is the sheer volume of applications that employers receive. With the high number of job vacancies in the UK, employers often receive hundreds of applications for a single position. This makes it challenging for hiring managers to respond to every applicant individually.


Inefficient Hiring Processes

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there are 916,000 job vacancies in the UK, but the hiring process remains inefficient for both job seekers and businesses.

The survey conducted by Indeed involving 1,000 working people and 1,000 hiring professionals in the UK revealed that delays in the hiring process contribute significantly to the lack of communication. Hiring professionals often struggle with outdated systems, lack of time, and insufficient resources to manage the influx of applications.


Lack of Feedback Systems

Many companies lack a robust feedback system to inform candidates of their application status. This absence of communication protocols means that candidates are often left in the dark, not knowing whether their application has been reviewed or if they are still being considered for the role.


Mismatched Applications

Another reason for the silence is that many candidates apply for roles they are not suited for. Hiring professionals report that 22% of applicants are a poor match for the positions they apply for, often due to location, qualifications, or lack of genuine interest in the role. This can lead to candidates being overlooked without any feedback.


Impact on Candidates

Confidence and Mental Health

Not hearing back from employers significantly impacts job seekers’ confidence and mental health. The survey found that 86% of job seekers would prefer a rejection over silence.

The uncertainty of waiting for a response consumes significant mental energy, with 74% of workers saying they would waste less time worrying if they received any feedback, and 71% noting it would reduce their stress.


Demoralisation and Job Search Abandonment

The lack of communication not only demoralises job seekers but also leads to many abandoning their job search altogether.

More than half of Brits have given up on finding a suitable job due to the time-consuming nature of the process and the fact that they lose confidence when ignored following an application.

As a result, some candidates lower their standards, applying for roles they are less passionate about or not suited for, which is neither good for the candidate or the employer.


Employer Frustrations

Interestingly, employers also express frustration with the hiring process. Over 61% of hiring professionals report wasting time due to inefficient processes. Moreover, almost a third of candidates they reach out to are unsuitable, exacerbating the challenge of finding the right match for the role.


Top Tips for Following Up on Job Applications

Crafting a Follow-Up Email

Following up on a job application can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a crucial step in the job search process. Here are some tips for writing a polite and professional follow-up email:

Subject Line: Keep it clear and concise. For example, “Follow-Up on [Position Name] Application.”

Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible.

Introduction: Thank them for considering your application.

Reconfirmation: Reiterate your interest in the role and the company.

Next Steps: Politely inquire about the status of your application.

Closing: Express your appreciation for their time and wish them well.


Here’s a sample follow-up email template to give you a little inspiration:

Subject: Follow-Up on [Role / Job Title]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my application / interview for the [position] at [Company Name], submitted / attended on [Date].

I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to [Company Name]’s continued success. I believe my background in [specific skills or experience] aligns well with the requirements of the role.

I understand the hiring process can take time, but I wanted to express my continued interest and enthusiasm for the position. If there are any updates regarding my application, I would greatly appreciate the information.

Thank you very much for considering my application. I wish you all the best in finding the right candidate for this role.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Best Practices for Following Up

Timing: Wait at least one to two weeks after submitting your application before following up. If you’ve attended an interview, a period of two days is adequate.

Persistence: Be polite but not pushy. If you don’t receive a response to your follow-up email, consider sending one more follow-up after an additional week.

Professionalism: Always maintain a professional tone and respect the hiring manager’s time and responsibilities.


Choose Recruitment Robin for Your Job Search

At Recruitment Robin, we understand the challenges job seekers face in today’s competitive job market. Our team of experienced recruiters is dedicated to helping you navigate the job search process with confidence and support.

We ensure that you receive feedback on your applications and interviews, providing valuable insights that can support you in your career journey.

Ready to take the next step in your career? Contact Recruitment Robin today and let us assist you in finding the perfect job.

With our expertise and commitment to your success, we ensure that you are never left in the dark about your application status. Get in touch with us now and start your journey towards a fulfilling career.