Frequently asked questions


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On average it takes 2-6 weeks to fill a vacancy from initial enquiry go a candidate starting work.  Factors influencing his include notice period, time taken to set up the recruitment campaign, and interview availabiltiy.

The cost of our recruitment service typically depends on the support you require. We can craft a package that matches your specific needs and budget, so if you are struggling to find staff, call our recruitment team on 01782 703403 for a no obligation chat.

The length of the contract typically lasts the duration of the campaign (from the first day we start to work on your vacancy) and includes any rebate period that has been agreed.

There are 4 stages to the recruitment process:

  1. Attract
  2. Screen
  3. Interview
  4. Place

During the recruitment process, we will keep you informed and updated of every step of the way.

Whilst we aim to fill your vacancy as quickly and efficiently as possible, it may take us a little longer to find and attract a suitable candidate with a specialised skill set, if the skill set is in short supply.

Our candidate reach is quite vast.

We use a combination of traditional and modern methods to seek out suitable talent for your vacancy, including popular online job boards and advanced CV searches.

If you are struggling to find staff, call our recruitment team on 01782 703403 for a no obligation chat.

Depending on the role being recruited for, applications can start coming through within minutes of a vacancy being advertised (it has happened!).  However, as we like to screen and interview candidates first, we will typically send you the first batch of CV’s within a couple of days of a vacancy being advertised. 

We manually screen all applications on receipt to decipher whether the candidate’s skills and competences match those required by the position.

If the candidate appears to have most of the required skill set, we will conduct a telephone interview to confirm their current work status, why they wish to move, what attracted them to apply, and so on.

We will collate as much information as possible before presenting you with a short-list for review.

We can provide a variety of support, including:

  • Writing interview questions
  • Sitting in on interviews if a 2nd interviewer is required
  • Leading the interview and asking questions
  • Taking notes whilst you ask the questions
  • Assisting with the selection
  • Providing an interview room
  • Meeting and greeting candidates on arrival

If you need interview support, call us on 01782 703403 for a no obligation chat.

We do or best to make sure everyone (clients and candidates) have a positive experience during the recruitment process.  One thing we find that helps most, is keeping everyone informed and how things are progressing.

We endeavour to keep candidates informed of their application status, and provide constructive feedback when necessary.

We understand that sometimes, things just don’t work out, even when a candidate looked and sounded great during interview.

As a result, we offer a rebate period, which allows the client and candidate to make sure they are a good fit for each other. 

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